This past week our International Sales Manager, Joe Arnold, returned from a two week trip through Brazil with our partner Quimica Nova Brazil (QNB) where SIXIN was able to visit 7 new pulp mills who expressed interest in new technologies and process improvements.
SIXIN’s approach is simple: Sit down with the mill experts who understand their process, get a detailed understanding of what improvements the mill hopes to see, understand the types of foam which are causing the inhibition of performance, explain the antifoam material modifications which can be made to accomplish the goal, and implement the solution.
SIXIN is one of the only raw material suppliers that offer this face to face technical expertise to the pulp mills throughout the world. We understand foams and we design the technology to control them. These unique materials are provided to our service company partners for implementation.
With our new supply chain coming online in the USA, our reach will be even greater and our ability to provide expertise to a wider range of customers is ever expanding.
Contact us today to see what we can do for you!
*foams yet to be treated! :-)